Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail

Fail to Plan – Plan to Fail.

Hi, everyone. Angus Pryor here, Australia’s number one Google ranked dental marker.

Now in there, we’ve been working with my executive team to plan for 2024. And as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. And my question to you right now is like, what is the thing that you want to be achieving for your business, your practice next year, it would be quite easy to just sort of be caught up in the busyness of December, I know what it’s like in many dental practices. But this is a critical time for you to get the team together and actually plan. What do you want to achieve? What are the things that worked well? What are the things that could be better? And then you could, you could have a vision for where you want to get to by the end of next year. Sorts of things for you to think about, you might have goals in terms of the number of patients, you might have goals in terms of the patient experience, you know, like, do we need to produce a slightly different thing? What about goals in terms of our marketing to help us stand out from the crowd, et cetera, et cetera. So as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. And I would say with the levels of competition that we’re seeing in Australia, at the moment in the dental industry, that is more true than ever before, you know, as we’re having this meeting, we’re talking about the kind of marketing we had to do for practice 10 years ago, and what we’re having to do now to get the same results, and that’s simply because of the high levels of competition. Alright, I encourage you carve out some time, even if it’s only an hour or two with your team, get the whole team together, and have some planning for where you want to get to at the end of 2024. If we can help and by all means, get in touch. See you next time.