How to Write Headlines That People Will Want to Read

Marketing 101 – have I got your attention?

Hi everyone, my name is Angus Pryor, multi-award-winning practice growth specialist. At the moment, my wife and I are looking to buy a house. I’ve been going through all the listings on real estate websites, and I had a realisation that I never noticed before. The most fundamental thing for all these ads for different houses is to get my attention. A critical aspect of this is the headline – those first five to seven words that explain why I should engage with that particular property. As I scroll through the listings, I notice that many of them have either really meaningless headlines, probably written by someone who’s sold 100 houses and is trying to entertain themselves, or they use really generic descriptions like, “1,000 square metre block, five bedrooms.” The problem with this approach is that, as consumers, we’re not buying the features of the property. We’re buying the benefits – what’s in it for us. And often, these headlines fail to address that entirely.

The same principle applies to attracting new people to your practice. The headline is often the first thing they’ll see. It might appear on your website, your Google listing, or an ad. It’s the hook that needs to grab attention and stand out. Why should someone engage with your practice? What’s in it for them? Think about it – you have one to two seconds to capture attention with your headline. It needs to stand out from the crowd. And, unfortunately, just like the house listings, I’d say 99% of them fail to do this. So, Marketing 101 – have I got your attention?

See you next time!