Lean marketing more leads more profit, less marketing.
Hi everyone. Angus Pryor here multi-award-winning practice growth specialist. Look, this is unusual for me. I don’t usually endorse books to you. And you might be thinking, Angus, why are you talking about a marketing book? This is the reality for you and your practice to grow. There are some things that you might not feel like you’re super interested in, but you nevertheless need to embrace you know, even if you never ever want to do any of the marketing yourself, which is totally fine. It’s helpful for you don’t know how it works, I’m going to assume that you would prefer patients sitting down on the chair in front of you who are quite well educated about dentistry. It doesn’t mean they want to do it themselves, but it actually helps with the process. Now I interviewed Allan on my podcast practice growth HQ, it was episode 99. He was a great interviewee, and then his book came out at the time of recording.
The reason I’m showing you this piece of paper is because the physical copy of his book hasn’t come out yet. He sent me an early copy to review. And it’s great stuff. I mean, this is the reality. You know, in business, we’ve got to be constantly innovating, don’t we? And perhaps you’ve heard of lean principles, six sigma, this kind of thing. The idea it actually came out of Japan, and it was to be able to do more with less. And so, the concepts that are covered in this book, which is more leads more profit and less marketing. I mean, who doesn’t want that? So even if you’re like, oh, Angus, I’m not really that interested in marketing. Like I encourage you for the growth of your business. To get hold of this book. Like it’s literally I think it’s like $2 or $3 on Kindle at the moment. There’ll be a hard copy you’ll be able to get by the time this video comes out. And undoubtedly in the fullness of time. There’ll be an audio version as well. But Lean Marketing learn more about marketing so you can get better outcomes for your practice. See you next time.