The Thought That Is Stopping Your Business from Growing
G’day, Angus Pryor here, multi-award-winning practice growth specialist.
Recently, my team and I were at the Australian Dental Expo in Melbourne. We had an incredible 650 people enter our competition and spoke to dozens of practice owners. Among those conversations, we noticed a recurring theme.
You see, every practice owner we talk to typically wants to grow their practice. However, there’s a particular thought—a mindset, really—that kept coming through time and time again. From experience, we know this mindset can be a major roadblock to practice growth. Can you guess what it is?
The thought is simply this: “Only I can do it.”
Here’s the truth: if you look at any successful business, you won’t find someone at the top with that mindset. In fact, I recall a conversation with a guest on my podcast who runs an award-winning practice. They received a national award for being the best practice in the veterinary space, and that guest happened to be my brother.
When I asked him how they achieved that level of success, he said this: “At our practice, we put a strong focus on upskilling every single team member as much as we possibly could.” It’s the complete opposite of the “only I can do it” mentality.
There’s a saying I love: “70% done by someone else is 100% awesome.” It means that even if someone else can only complete a task at 70% or 80% of the standard you could, that’s still fantastic because it frees you from being a bottleneck. Over time, as you delegate and empower others, they will get better and better.
If you hold onto the “only I can do it” mindset, you’ll block your practice’s growth. But when you start delegating—even if it’s not perfect at first—you’ll see things get done better and faster as your team develops.
So, is this thought holding you back? If it is, I encourage you to let it go. Empower your team, and watch your practice grow from strength to strength.
See you next time!