What Wouldn’t You Give Up for One Day?

What wouldn’t you give up for one day?

Now, at the time of recording this, it’s New Year’s Eve. Every year, on New Year’s Day for the last four years, I’ve completed something called a “Misogi challenge.” This is a Japanese concept. The idea is that you do one thing that’s so hard, once a year, that everything else feels easier afterwards. I’ve done different things, but this year—tomorrow—what I’m going to do is give up two things. The first is food. No food at all for 24 hours. I will drink water. I might even drink hot water, but that’s it. No sustenance, no nourishment at all. The second thing I’m going to quit tomorrow is technology. No TV, no radio, and certainly no phone, which is one of the reasons I’m making this video the night before. So, let me come back to you and tell you how I went. So, did I make it? The answer is yes, I did. Yesterday, for the entire day, I didn’t eat at all. In fact, my total fast was probably closer to 36 hours than 24. I also didn’t use any technology. I literally didn’t pick up this phone for more than 24 hours, which is unusual for me.

What did I learn from that day? It was difficult. One thing I found about not eating for all that time was that I got really tired—my energy levels were really low. If all you’re doing is having water, you’re left thinking, Okay, what am I going to do now? When you’re tired, you usually sit and watch telly or maybe flick through social media. But I wasn’t able to do either of those things. The day ended up being quite difficult, but I said I was going to do it, so I did. So, that’s two things I’ve given up for one day. I guess my question is, what’s one thing you could give up for a day? Test yourself. See what the result is.

See you next time. Bye.