I spilt an entire cup of coffee over my desk!

I tipped an entire cup of coffee over my desk.

Hi, everyone, Angus Pryor here, multi award winning practice growth specialist. It’s true, you’ve just seen the evidence, look at all these bits of paper with coffee marks on them. Like, literally, I don’t know, 300 mls, bang straight over my desk over all these papers. And I was like, and I happen to be on a call for client at the same time. But from that coffee being tipped out something good happened, which is it forced me to clean up what was on my desk. And in many ways that clutter is an excellent metaphor for what it’s like in business, which is that we’ve got so many things coming our way. And the cleanup that this thing caused me to go ‘What have I still got that for? What have I still got that for? What have I still got that for? You know, I was listening to an interview this morning, actually, it was the podcast interview Practice Growth HQ, which is one that I run. And the interview, he was talking about the fact that we need to be in our zone of genius, which is spending as much time as possible, doing the highest value things in our lives. And so therefore, sometimes metaphorically, we’ve got to tip a coffee over all those things that it’s like, what’s this here for? Because these are the little things that stack up that suck our time and stop us from getting great results in the highest most valuable part of what we do, hope that makes sense.

Like as a health care professional, it can be building your business, it can be clinical time, but I can assure you it’s not paperwork that sits down here. You know, I was with a mentor of mine yesterday looking at all the different things that we can outsource to other people. And indeed, if you’re in the dental game, then we’ve created something called dental stars.com.au. And that provides outsource all this stuff that we’ve got a list of 33 things that you can outsource to get rid of that lower stuff so you can clear your desk so you can be doing the highest-level stuff in your practice. Now would you like a copy of that list? Just put, yes, please in the notes below or get in touch with us and that would be my free gift to you. Otherwise, watch out for your coffee. See you next time.