What To Do When It's Raining On The Inside

What To Do When It’s Raining On The Inside

This week on Winning In Life, Angus Pryor the Practice Growth Specialist will be sharing with you six steps you can do every morning to set yourself up for the great day.

Now, as you can probably tell it’s raining on the outside at the moment, I’m getting a bit wet walking home. After what was really, an excellent training session with a great client in Sydney today. But for winning in life, my question to you is what do you do if it feels like it’s raining on the inside? And of course that’s a metaphor for things you know, being a bit gloomy and I mean not going well.

You know, one of the things that we covered in the session this afternoon, was a process called the Miracle Morning. It’s something I’ve spoken about before, and it involves six steps every morning to set yourself up for the great day. And I can tell you for me in my life, it’s just had a huge difference. I’m going to cover them very quickly.

These six steps. It’s about doing a little bit of meditation where you close your eyes and you go, I’m so grateful for I’m so grateful for. Then you do some affirmations talking about… just some positive things you can say about yourself. Then you do some visualisation of the day going well. Then you write down things that you’re grateful for. Then you read a book that sort of inspires you, and then you do some exercise. And I can tell you, you do that every day for a while, and that will stop it feeling like it’s raining on the inside.