Elon Musk's Advice On Becoming Extraordinary

Winning In Life : Elon Musk’s Advice On Becoming Extraordinary

This week on Winning In Life, Angus Pryor the Practice Growth Specialist will be sharing with you Elon Musk’s advice on becoming extraordinary.

Now, look, I was listening to an interview this morning, talking about a number of quotes from Elon Musk. If you’ve not come across him, perhaps his biggest claim to fame, in fact, that he was the co-founder of PayPal and that’s probably the most lucrative thing he did but then he founded Tesla and indeed, SpaceX. Believe it or not, he flies rocket ships up into space and launches satellites.

Anyway, here was the question. Someone asked him a question about becoming extraordinary and his answer might surprise you. He said, “Becoming extraordinary is within everybody’s reach. The only thing you need to do is just decide.” I mean, have you got a business that flies spaceships? I certainly don’t but that it’s within our reach.

I interviewed an author last week called Andrew Griffiths. He’s got a great book called, “Someone Has to Be the Most Expensive. “Why Not Make It You?” which I think is a terrific title. But he said the way to do that is you’ve got to be the best. And I guess I found myself thinking the same thing.

The only real restriction on you becoming the best in your business or whatever you do, whatever your chosen field is is deciding. I mean, I’m not saying I can become a 100-meter runner, the fastest there but in whatever my chosen field is, actually deciding is a huge factor. So for you, if you’re wanting to become extraordinary, and let me tell you this, here’s one of the biggest enemies of you becoming extraordinary.

There’s an expression which says the good life is the enemy of the great life and for many of you, the problem is, and I face this too, is I’ve got a good life. Do I really want to become extraordinary? But if I do, it’s about deciding. So what is the thing that you need to decide on today that I want to be the best at, that I want to be extraordinary at? And then take it from there.